You can give families hope for the future. Legacy gifts help ensure Seattle Children’s is here for generations of kids to come.
You can give families hope for the future. Legacy gifts help ensure Seattle Children’s is here for generations of kids to come.
The vital work done at Seattle Children’s wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of supporters like you. When you include Seattle Children’s in your estate plans, you take your place at the forefront of pediatric healthcare. You join a community of esteemed donors, whose life’s legacy will be providing hope, care and cures to every child who needs them.
Creative Ways to Make a Major Impact
How You Support Our Work

Compassionate Care
Providing the specialized care that kids need and deserve.

Groundbreaking Research
Discovering cures and better treatments for pediatric conditions.

Community Health and Access
Ensuring all kids have access to the best care and resources to live healthier lives.

Keeping Kids Healthy and Safe
Educating children and their families about ways to stay safe and healthy.
Complimentary Gift Planning Resources are Just a Click Away!
Your Giving Toolkit


Gifts from Donor-Advised Funds

Sample Language for Your Will or Trust

Sample Beneficiary Designation

Sample Codicil